Dynamics 365 Form Subgrid Interaction


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Blog:Kelvin Shen's Blog

The Scenario

Let’s say you want to pick a record from a subgrid and set its value to a field on the parent form. This is a common requirement, and there are several ways to achieve this. In this article, we’ll explore the way of using JavaScript to improve frontend user experience.

Pick a record from a subgrid

This is a straightforward requirement. We want to pick a record from a subgrid and set its value to a field on the parent form. To achieve this, we can use a command bar button on the subgrid.


Disassociation of a record from a subgrid

When disassociating a record from a subgrid, you want to ensure the disassociated record is also removed from the field on the parent form. We have already have a plugin that handles this, but we also want to handle this on the client-side. This is because the plugin is triggered on the server-side, and the user will not see the change until the next form refresh. To handle this on the client-side, we can use the subgrid OnLoad event:

    export function RegisterCaSubgridOnLoadEvent(executionContext) {
        const frmCtx = executionContext.getFormContext();

    function OnCaSubgridLoad(exectionCtx) {
        // Remove primary CA value on CA subgrid disassociation
        if (exectionCtx) {
            var frmCtx = exectionCtx.getFormContext();
            var primaryCaAttribute = frmCtx.getAttribute("kys_primaryCa");
            var primaryCaValue = primaryCaAttribute.getValue();

            if (!primaryCaValue || primaryCaValue == null) {

            var gridCtx = frmCtx.getControl("subgridCaList").getGrid();
            var gridRows = gridCtx.getRows();

            for (var i = 0; i < gridCtx.getTotalRecordCount(); i++) {
                var gridRow = gridRows.get(i);
                var gridRowEntity = gridRow.getData().getEntity();
                var gridRowEntityReference = gridRowEntity.getEntityReference();

                if (gridRowEntityReference.id == primaryCaValue[0].id) {

            // If we reach here, it means that the primary CA value is not present in the subgrid.

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